Han van de Graaf – Mijn website voor jou . .
My photos to share
Herewith a small collection of my bird photos.
Nature is fascinated me since childhood. Some photos I think are worth showing.
A collection of photos of doors in the Netherlands, Germany, Turkey, England, Finland, Sweden and more …
Mushrooms in Finland
A collection of mushrooms in my current home country Finland.
During my trip to Bonaire, I made some beautiful dives there. Here are some photos of them.
From bee to spider, all insects
… and here is more!
About bees, the essential insects in our lives
Bees are small, winged wonders that play a vital role in our ecosystem. Although sometimes overlooked, bees are indispensable to humanity and the natural world as a whole.
Bees are winged insects closely related to wasps and ants, and are known for their crucial role in pollination and, in the case of the western honey bee, for the production of honey.
The anatomy of a honey bee is a miracle of nature, with each part having a specific function in the survival and functioning of the colony. The anatomy and physiology of the honey bee.
We know about 350 different species of bees in our country, divided into three main groups: honey bees, solitary bees and bumblebees.
The life cycle of bees Keeping bees The anatomy of a bee Did you know? about bees Videos about bees Websites about bees The difference between a bee a bumblebee and a wasp
About (Old) Heiloo Click on any of the titles or photos for more information.