Song Thrush
Song Thrush
NL: Zanglijster
D: Singdrossel
F: Grive musicienne
Latin name: Turdus philomelos (Brehm, 1831)
Bird group: Thrushes
Field characteristics: 23 cm. Smaller than Blackbird, much smaller than Mistle Thrush. Upper parts greyish brown, breast golden yellow with many round black spots, extending to flanks; belly white. Does not have an eyebrow stripe like Redwing. Tail shorter than Blackbird and cut straighter, without the white tips on outer feathers of Mistle Thrush. Underwing yellow, not orange like Redwing. Juvenile resembles adult, but upperparts with light stripes and spots. Usually sings in high-altitude singing post, such as treetop. Flight slightly wavy. Shyer than Merel, also breeding birds of cities.
Appearance: Very common, but decreasing in number locally.
Habitat: Requires combination of tall trees, undergrowth in the form of bushes, clearings, fields and forest edges. Also occurs, albeit less frequently, in coniferous forests.
Food: Mainly invertebrates, also eat fruits in autumn and winter. Forages mainly on the ground, sometimes in open areas, but usually under or very close to cover. Known for its habit of catching snails and smashing them on the same stone over and over.