Garden Warbler

Garden Warbler

NL: Tuinfluiter
D: Gartengrasmücke
F: Fauvette des jardins
Latin name: Sylvia borin (Boddaert, 1783)

Bird group: Warblers

Field characteristics: 14 cm. Without conspicuous field features. Upper parts mainly brownish or brown-grey, wings and tail somewhat darker, parts beige-white. Dark eye, very indistinct eyebrow stripe, indistinct white eye ring, short rather sturdy bill, pale gray legs. May be confused with other passerines, especially reed warblers, but is distinguished by size and small gray patch on side breast. Sexes alike. Like the Blackcap, usually stays in cover, but does not sing from a prominent, open vocal post, as the Blackcap sometimes does.

Appearance: General summer visitor.

Habitat: Densely vegetated areas, such as parks, gardens, and forest edges. Less in forest and more in scrub than Zwartkop.

Food: Insects and berries.
