Eurasian Tree Sparrow

Eurasian Tree Sparrow
NL: Ringmus
D: Feldsperling
F: Moineau friquet
Latin name: Passer montanus (Linnaeus, 1758)
Bird group: Sparrows
Sound: A bit like House Sparrow, but a little higher, shorter and more melodic. In flight a characteristic ‘ret’.
Field characteristics: 14 cm. Sexes equal and no difference in plumage between different ages. Can be confused with males of House Sparrow and Spanish Sparrow, but recognizable by almost complete white neck band, black spot on white ear region, small black beak that does not extend past feathers of throat, chocolate brown head cap and call. Warm brown upperparts and wings with black stripes, tan rump, dark brown tail and off white underparts. Outside breeding season often together with other sparrows and finches.
Appearance: Quite numerous breeding bird. Northern breeding birds migrate south in winter.
Habitat: Prefers open landscape with scattered trees, orchards, etc. Often found near farms. Where House Sparrows are missing, Ring Sparrows can be found in cities.
Food: Mainly seeds, but also eats insects, especially during breeding season.