Collared Dove

Turkse tortel
Collared Dove

NL: Turkse tortel
D: Türkentaube
F: Tourterelle turque

Latin name: Streptopelia decaocto (Frivaldszky, 1838)

Bird group: Pigens

Sound: Singing a deep three-syllable ‘coo-coo-kooe’, with stress on the second syllable. A strange nasal sound in flight.

Field characteristics: 32 cm. Differs from Turtledove in slightly larger size, narrow black collar on back of neck and different color. Upper parts uniformly pale greyish-brown to grey-brown; blue-grey shoulders in flight; head and underparts lighter and greyer, with slightly pinkish tinge, especially on breast. Tail with white on outer tail feathers. Seen from below, both in sitting and in flight, characteristic pattern on tail of broad white trailing edge and dark basal half. Eyes red.

Appearance: Has spontaneously colonized the area since 1940. Recently also appeared in Spain. Nowadays a common breeding bird everywhere.

Habitat: Open forest areas and parks, mostly near human settlements. Also in cities.

Food: Mainly seeds and green plants. Also occasionally invertebrates.
