

NL: Vink
D: Buchfink
F: Pinson des arbres
Latin name: Fringilla coelebs (Linnaeus, 1758)

Bird group: Finches

Field characteristics: 15 cm. Both sexes can be distinguished from other finches by white outer tail feathers, white small coverts and double white wing stripe on inner wing. Male with bluish gray head with ruddy brown heads, warm reddish brown mantle and back, olive green rump, black tail and wings and ruddy brown parts. Female mainly grey-brown. Beak strong and pointed. Head feathers sometimes slightly raised, like a small crest. Shuffling hallway. In winter in groups, often with Keep, other finches, buntings and larks.

Appearance: Very common all year round. Summer guest in northern Scandinavia. In Western Europe strong migration in autumn.

Habitat: Breeds in deciduous and coniferous forests, orchards, parks, gardens. In winter also in open countryside and sometimes in large flocks on fields, in dunes and along roads.

Food: Invertebrates and seeds in summer. In winter mainly seeds and fruits.
