Blue Tit

Blue Tit

NL: Pimpelmees
D: Blaumeise
F: Mésange bleue

Latin name: Parus caeruleus (Linnaeus 1758)

Bird group: Tits

Field characteristics: 11.5 cm. Most striking colors blue and yellow. Small mobile tit. Crown, wings and tail blue, ear region white, upper parts green and parts yellow. Black outline of blue and white on head gives distinctive expression. Black longitudinal stripe over belly, but less clear than in Great Tit. Juveniles in summer and early autumn are more faintly colored, with blue parts of adults becoming greener and yellower more faintly. Outside the breeding season often together with other tits. Often in towns and villages, where nesting boxes are mainly used.

Sound: Lots of variety. Characteristic vocals clear ‘tsie tsie tsie tirrrr’. Call out ‘tsie’, ‘sisisi’ and louder calls resembling Greatmees’s.

Appearance: General. Mainly resident, but northern populations migrate.

Habitat: Many in parks and gardens. Natural habitat is mixed and deciduous forest, less common in coniferous forest. Out of breeding season and on migration often in low shrubs, hedges, isolated bushes, etc.

Food: Mainly invertebrates, but also eat fruits and seeds, especially in winter. Forages more on the ground than other tits, but less than Great Tit.
