

NL: Zartkop
D: Mönchsgrasmücke
F: Fauvette à tête noire
Latin name: Sylvia atricapilla (Linnaeus, 1758)

Bird group: Warblers






Sound: Cry sharp ‘tek’, sometimes extended to rattle, then resembling a Wren’s call. Also suppressed ‘tsjurrr’. Singing is very similar to that of Garden Warbler, but ends in calm, loud and clear whistles.

Field characteristics: 14 cm. Easy to recognize by the black (male) or brown (female) crown. Plumage further gray on face and neck, browner on upperparts, underparts and tail; parts grey-white. No white in tail. The black (brown) crown does not reach below the eye and is less extensive than the top cap of Glanskop and Matkop (both tits). Juvenile has brown crown as female. Active, but usually not easy to spot, except for singing male or foraging birds in autumn.

Appearance: General summer visitor. Overwinters increasingly.

Habitat: Deciduous forest, parks, large gardens, etc. Occurs more in real forest than Garden Warbler.

Food: Insects and berries; Forages mostly in trees and shrubbery, but also occurs on the ground.
