Black-throated Diver
Black-throated Diver
NL: Parelduiker
DE: Prachttaucher
FI: Kuikka
Latin name: Gavia arctica
Bird group: Divers
These streamlined diving birds sit low in the water and dive with consummate ease. On land they are clumsy, barely able to walk with their legs so far back on their bodies. This species is about 60 to 70 cm in size, so larger and with a heavier head than the red-throated diver. In summer, an adult pearl diver is white below and black above with small white spots.
They are easily disturbed when breeding and their vulnerability to marine pollution make them a vulnerable as well as rare breeding species. They are listed as a Schedule 1 species on The Wildlife and Countryside Act.
What they eat:
Length: 58-73cm
Wingspan: 110-130cmWeight: 2.3kg (females), 3.4kg (males)