Eurasian jay


Eurasian jay

The jay also called ‘screaming magpie’ or ‘Spanish magpie’, is a strikingly colored crow-like. The scientific name of the species was published as Corvus glandarius in 1758 by Carl Linnaeus.

NL: (Vlaamse) Gaai
D: Eichelhäher
FI: Närhi

Latin name: Garrulus glandarius (Linnaeus, 1758)

Bird group: Corvidae

Field Characteristics: The jay is 32 to 35 cm long. The bird is predominantly gray-brown with a pinkish tinge. The throat, abdomen, anal area, coccyx and part of the hand feathers are white. Characteristic are a broad black mustache stripe and a blue wing field consisting of light blue feathers with a fine black banding. When excited, the bird can put up the crown feathers, these are alternately light in color with black.

Distribution: This bird occurs in cultural landscapes and forests. It is spread all over Europe with the exception of the far north. In new housing estates you often initially see the magpie, as the trees and shrubs in public greenery and in gardens grow larger, it is gradually displaced by the jay.

Song/Call: Loud screaming, not to be confused with the sound of other birds. In forest areas they react loudly to possible intruders, which acts as an alarm function for other animals.


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